Well, the back pain is gone, but guess what's popped up. Hip Pain.
I highly suspect tms (tension myositis syndrome). Undergoing some stressful situations and makes sense it would decide to make itself known or rather hidden (read the book to see what I mean). Dr. Sarno recounts in The Mindbody Prescription, that the pain will often travel, and it looks like it's doing this in my case.
What I love about this is first and foremost, it works. Secondly, it requires no surgery, medicine, physical therapy or financial drain. It requires that you open your mind, and really think about and acknowledge the cause of it. It's not even that it requires that you solve whatever psychological stress you have, only that you realize the pain is cause by the pyschological repression of things that create anger, fear and stress. Essentially, in understanding "the mechanic of thought" and that it is producing the pain, vs. outwardly physical symptoms causing the physical pain. It is like a leaking hose, you can try and patch the hose to stop the water from leaking, even as more holes are forming, OR, you can simply turn the water off at the source and stop all the leaking. With Dr. Sarno's therapy, you educate yourself into how the mind is working. You learn that the pain is caused, in very particular personality types (type A) and that the mind is creating the pain to divert your attention from anger, rage, fear, anxiety, or/and the things that cause anger, rage, fear and anxiety. Dr. Sarno's therapy is education, understanding how the mind is working, and affecting the body.
Inevitably, if you want to search for complex issues and reasons for physical abnormalities, you will undoubtedly find them. Interestingly enough, there was a study done with radiologists, who were given x rays and asked to pair them with who was experiencing pain. It turns out people can have x rays and mri's that would indicate a potential area of pain, yet the person would not have pain. Likewise, people whose xray's and mri's didn't show any abnormality would actually have pain.
Dr. Sarno tells us that the physical abnormalities are merely symptoms of the pain, NOT the cause of the pain. In fact, with aging, there are "normal abnormalities" that occur that do not necessarily mean the individual will feel pain.
In our high tech world, and in the scientific world we have been conditioned to link the physical abnormality to pain, this, despite the fact that studies have shown the opposite can be true, as is mentioned in this interview:
By addressing the symptoms only,
you only, at best, receive only temporary relief from the pain.
By addressing the cause of the pain (the mind),
you can receive permanent relief.
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