Saturday, February 23, 2013

Interesting bit of info

OK, doubtful that it could be the mind at the source of the pain? Ever heard of phantom limb syndrome? It's the instance where people who have had a limb amputated yet continue to experience sensation and pain where the limb used to be. There is no limb there, how can it be causing pain? Doesn't this suggest that the mind has something, if not everything to do with this? Oh tms, i'm on to you. The pain, it sucks, it's very very real, very very painful. BUT, I don't buy that it's because of a pinched nerve or the other herniated disc, etc. Everyone says that because they've been conditioned to, and besides, remember, it IS their profession, they benefit. I'm not suggesting that they intentionally rip people off, of course, they really believe that their diagnosis is true, of course, that is their training. However, then how does that explain the people who have NO pain, yet their MRI's show the symptoms of back pain, ie bulging discs, etc. Come on tms, the ruse has been uncovered, time to leave. By the way, yes, I still am experiencing "something". However, not in the left hip, now the right buttock. I'm tired of it, i'm tired of the consistent pain, inconsistent areas, enough is enough. I had heard about phantom limb syndrome, but am now reading about the studies of a Dr. Ramachandran, who did studies on this. His experiments revealed the brain is much more plastic than otherwise believed and that the senses are interconnected. He found that it's not just specific areas of the brain that feel, but overlapping areas...and the brain can rewire itself on what it's feeling. "Pain, it seemed, was a kind of OPINION the body rendered on what it was experiencing, on its own health. This opinion could be tricked or manipulated,..." - Robert Greene, Mastery. It can be "tricked or manipulated" into NOT feeling pain anymore. There's a way out.

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